It will not come as a surprise: GRIP will close its doors until the 23rd of March. Although we hate to close our gyms, we understand the decision made by the government and support it. In this message we want to inform you what this means for you.
If you have a membership, you can choose to temporarily pause it for the duration of the lockdown. In that case please send an email to containing your full name. Of course we deeply appreciate it if you choose not to do this and to keep your membership active. Thanks to your support we’re able to keep our gyms up and running!
After March 23rd
Of course we hope that we can open our gyms after the 23rd of March, but we cannot say anything now about what the Corona measures will be by then. As soon as we know how many people we can allow in our gyms and have figured out the reservations procedure, we will inform you. Please note that it might be until after the press conference of March 16th that we know this. For now we’re busy making the gym look super nice! We hope to show you all very soon, stay strong everyone!