Join Alien Head on January 11th!

  • Workshops

    Have you been bouldering for a while? Do green and red routes come easily to you? Are the boulder basics no longer adding to your repertoire? Then train towards a specific goal with one of our many workshops at GRIP! We offer various workshops for different needs and levels.

    The workshops take place on Friday evenings from 20:00 to 22:00, and we meet at the café. The price for a workshop is €15, excluding entry if you don’t have a membership. Below are the details of our workshops, and at the bottom of this page, you’ll find the current schedule.

    How to climb: Fearlessness!
    Defeat sketchiness, learn to trust your feet, and dare to make intimidating moves. In this workshop, we will work on stress-free bouldering at your limit.

    How to climb: Dynamic!
    Move dynamically on the wall. Deadpoint, dyno, triple dyno. Timing, coordination, spatial orientation. The why and how of performing these moves.

    Technique Training: Prepare for Blue and Yellow Boulders
    Foot placement, body positioning, and efficient movement! Dedicate your training session to your technique, primarily on blue and yellow boulders. Elevate your bouldering skills by focusing on these details!

    Training the Arena: Energy Systems and how to train them on the Spray Wall
    Focus your training on different energy systems and make a plan specifically for training on the spray wall. Understand the physical output of various boulders, optimize your output, and strategically plan your sessions. Enhance your performance with targeted training!

    Why Are You Falling? Understanding the Physics and Learning to Visualize
    Dive deeper into the dimensions of bouldering and learn to visualize different movements. By understanding the physics of movement, you can better comprehend why you fall on a certain move and prevent it. Improving reading ability and boosting self-confidence in bouldering will elevate your level!

    Already hooked? Sign up quickly via this link.

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    Who is it for?


    Technique Training: Prepare for Blue and Yellow Boulders Pink+ 17 Jan, 14 Feb, 14 Mar, 13 Jun, 25 Jul, 10 Oct
    How to climb: Dynamic! Purple+ 31 Jan, 28 Mar, 30 May, 11 Jul, 26 Sep
    Training the Arena: Energy systems and how to train them on the spray wall Purple+ 28 Feb, 11 April, 8 Aug


    Why are you falling? Understanding the physics and learn to visualize Purple+ 25 April, 29 Aug
    How to climb: Fearlessness Anyone 9 May, 27 Jun, 12 Sep

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